KeREL International GmbH
Traunreuterstr. 18
84478 Waldkraiburg
Tel.: +49 8638 885 330
Register court records:
Sitz: Waldkraiburg, Amtsgericht Traunstein HRB 26570
Managing Partner:
Mihaela Kellner
Sales tax identification number:
Tax number:
Legal Notices:
The KeREL International GmbH checks and updates the information on its web pages on a regular basis. Despite all care the data can have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the provided information cannot be taken over therefore. The same applies to all other internet pages which are referred to using hyperlinks. The KeREL International GmbH is for the content of the internet pages which are reached by hyperlinks not responsible. Also reserves the KeREL International GmbH has the right to make changes or additions to the information provided. The content and structure of the internet pages of the KeREL International GmbH are protected by copyright.
Limitation of Liability:
With the exception of claims for damages due to the absence of assured properties and those according to the product liability law are all claims for damages (e.g. from negligence in contract negotiations, positive breach of contract, tort) against us shall be excluded, unless they are based in relation to merchants to intent or gross negligence on the part of our legal representatives or our executive staff, also based on intent or gross negligence on the part of our vicarious agents. In the event of delay or the impossibility of performance we are liable to non-merchants even in the event of negligence, but only at the level of the charges for a covering purchase or a substitute performance. For the violation of essential contractual obligations (“cardinal obligations”) we are also liable in case of simple negligence on the part of our legal representatives and executive staff, but is limited to typical and foreseeable damages. As far as the KeREL International GmbH in addition to other jointly and severally liable, always liable only subsidiary in last position. For the loss of data shall be liable to the KeREL International GmbH only, as far as these in application of adequate intervals, but at least once daily in machine-readable form has been backed up. The foregoing limitations of liability shall also apply in favor of our legal representatives, executive staff and assistants and vicarious agents.